,,Δ p” presents the DSgear-set® in its latests Online Journal

In the Online-Journal of the renowned Pump-Magazine ,,Δ p” the flagship project in cooperation with Sulzer (Deutschland) Pumpen GmbH at the PCK Raffinerie in Schwedt, Germany is presented. More information will come shortly in the next Print-Journal of ,,Δ p”.
“Sulzer: Völlig neuartige Drehzahlregulierung für Kesselspeise-Pumpen” [only in German language availiable]

Rüdiger Nagel 25.11.2015…Sulzer erhielt Ende 2014 einen Retrofit-Auftrag zu einer bestehenden Sulzer Kesselspeisewasserpumpe. Die bisherigen Betriebsdaten dieser Pumpe, die im Kraftwerk der PCK Raffinerie Schwedt/Oder betrieben wird. […der ganze Artikel]

Performance tests at Sulzer (Deutschland) Pumpen GmbH in Bruchsal, Germany

November 18-20, 2015 saw further performance tests being conducted on the 4.1 MW SETCON® at Sulzer (Deutschland) Pumpen GmbH in Bruchsal/Germany. Similar to the tests at Elin Motoren GmbH in Weiz/Austria, the complete powertrain including boiler feed water pump was put through its paces here.

And once again the electro-mechanical differential system proved its excellent capabilities, efficiency, and reliability. All the customer’s requirements were met to PCK Raffinerie GmbH’s complete satisfaction and the professional cooperation between the companies involved was also demonstrated.

Local and international customers from the energy, industry, and oil and gas sectors also had the opportunity to gain an impression of the SETCON® benefits over these few days. All those who attended the event were impressed with its performance and agreed that the SETCON® is an ideal solution for efficient and reliable control.

Sulzer Technical Review – “Wind Generators as Role Models”

In the latest issue of Sulzer Technical Review with the titel ” Wind Generators as Role Models” Sulzer Pumpen (Deutschland) GmbH presents SET GmbH and its electro-mechanical Differential System.
“Wind Generators as Role Models”

Dirk Küllmey, Klaus Löffler 04.11.2015…SET has been active in the field of wind power for more than 20 years, and it has developed wind generator gearboxes, which maintain the generated power at 50 Hz despite changing wind loads. Together with Sulzer, SET has now made use of this innovative gearbox concept on pumps… read the whole article: [Sulzer Technical Review]

4.1MW SETCON® Performance Tests at Elin Motoren GmbH

In the end of August the performance tests of the 4.1MW SETCON® for a boiler feed pump at the PCK refinery in Schwedt (Germany) were executed at ELIN Motoren GmbH in Weiz (Austria).

Due to the excellent cooperation with Sulzer Pumpen (Deutschland) GmbH and the intensive preparations of SET GmbH the SETCON® has shown an excellent performance and we could endorse in an impressive way our maxim “first time right”. All tests were performed without any failure and complete satisfaction of customers and suppliers. The evaluated test results have shown our customer, that the SETCON® is more than just a promise regarding reliability and efficiency. Because of the excellent performance further projects are planned together with Sulzer Pumpen (Deutschland) GmbH.

DSgear-set® for a 4.1MW boiler-feed pump at PCK site in Schwedt (Germany)

SET’s electro-mechanical differential gear points the way ahead for the entire wind sector. In the interim this technology, DSgear-set, is also meeting with great interest in industry.

In the 4th quarter of 2014 Sulzer Pumps GmbH awarded SET GmbH a contract to install its electro-mechanical differential gear system (DSgear-set®) at the PCK refinery in Schwedt (Germany). By the 2nd quarter of 2015 the DSgear-set® will replace the existing direct drive system in order to meet future challenges in terms of sustainability and life cycle costs (LCC). SET’s electro-mechanical differential gear emerged as the best technology ahead of the competition in view of its speed variability range, efficiency, and robustness.

The DSgear-set® has to provide a rated power of 4,080 kW for a boiler feed-water pump, which is essential for the refinery processes at the site. In this flagship project the operating companies expect the DSgear-set® to ensure high cost savings, maximum reliability and Efficiency.Due to the excellent cooperation between the companies involved, follow-up projects are planned.

DSgear-set® for a 4.1MW boiler-feed pump at PCK site in Schwedt (Germany)

Successful SET GmbH appearance at WindEnergy Hamburg

From 26-28 Sep, SET GmbH was at Hamburg Exhibition! The appearance of SET together with AVL was a great success and was very well received by the visitors. Talking to costumer our team consisting of Peter Prebio, Maximilian Hehenberger and Markus Waldner was able to emphasize the benefits of DSgen-set® and engineering expertise of SET (together with AVL).

Above all, the introduction of the new product “torque ramp-down unit” has found a very positive response from all those who operate or offer DFIG equipment. This new technology, which can be used as an inexpensive and highly efficient load shedding device, led to some new and interesting business contacts.

We wish to thank all our visitors for their interest and all partners for the excellent collaboration, looking forward to the next presentations in 2015.

Successful SET GmbH appearance at WindEnergy Hamburg