SETCON® SE6 Test runs at SET in Klagenfurt

As part of the project with swb Erzeugung AG & Co. KG in Bremen, Germany, SETCON® SE6 test runs will take place at the test field in Klagenfurt from August this year.

  • Application: variable speed drive for a boiler feed pump
  • Type: SE6
  • Power: 6 500 kW
  • Speed: 4 500 rpm

In the upcoming test runs, the complete system will be extensively tested for lubrication, performance and functionality. The recently completed SETCON® test bench at SET provides ideal test conditions. The performance tests are supported by an automation test bench on which the control software and the interface to the higher-level control system are prepared and tested under realistic conditions.

As part of the project with swb Erzeugung AG & Co. KG in Bremen, Germany, SETCON® SE6 test runs will take place at the test field in Klagenfurt from August this year.
As part of the project with swb Erzeugung AG & Co. KG in Bremen, Germany, SETCON® SE6 test runs will take place at the test field in Klagenfurt from August this year.
As part of the project with swb Erzeugung AG & Co. KG in Bremen, Germany, SETCON® SE6 test runs will take place at the test field in Klagenfurt from August this year.

New SETCON test bench at SET

A few weeks ago, SET’s new 3 MW SETCON test bench was finalized in the SET test / assembly hall in Klagenfurt, Austria. This test bench was adapted exactly to the high quality demands and needs of the SETCON series.

Different gearbox sizes as well as output speeds of up to 15,000 rpm can be flexibly tested thanks to an adaptable intermediate gear stage. Partial lubrication tests of SETCON transmission stage are currently taking place before a complete SETCON system is tested at the new test bench soon. As part of a customer event, the new test bench and a current customer project are to be presented in mid of August this year.

New SETCON test bench at SET

A few weeks ago, SET's new 3 MW SETCON test bench was finalized in the SET test / assembly hall in Klagenfurt, Austria. This test bench was adapted exactly to the high quality demands and needs of the SETCON series.

Retrofit order from swb Erzeugung AG

Located next to a steel works, the power plant unit converts blast furnace gas and converter gas into electricity.

SET has been awarded from swb Erzeugung AG & Co. KG to replace an existing hydraulic speed control coupling at the Mittelsbüren power plant in Bremen, Germany, with an energy-efficient SETCON® drive system. The aim of the project is to significantly modernise and improve the efficiency of the overall system, which will increase the total plant unit efficiency by 1%. 

Using the variable speed SETCON® system to drive a boiler feed pump with a power of 6.5 MW allows swb Erzeugung AG & Co. KG to considerably reduce its electrical energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. In concrete terms, the SETCON® drive system will result in a saving of around 10,770 MWh and 12,400 tonnes of CO2[1] a year.

The old system is scheduled to be replaced in the third quarter of 2020 during the power plant’s periodic overhaul. As the SETCON® drive system has exactly the same footprint (series concept) as the existing hydraulic speed control coupling, the power plant will only have to be shut down for a short time to enable cost-efficient installation, no structural changes to the machine bed will be required. All other units such as the main motor, boiler feed pump and booster pump can continue to operate without modification following the overhaul.

SETCON® is an electro-mechanical variable speed drive system developed by SET that is perfect for replacing hydraulic couplings thanks to its high energy efficiency and outstanding retrofit capabilities. This innovative new drive concept is particularly well-suited for variable-speed operation of pumps, compressors and blowers with a drive power of > 4 MW and rated speeds of > 3,500 rpm, and the use of standard industrial components guarantees high system reliability and availability.

The Mittelsbüren power plant in Bremen is fired with blast furnace and converter gas taken from the neighbouring steel works, which reduces the latter’s CO2 emissions. The plant unit, which has an electrical output of 238 MW, is operated by swb Erzeugung AG & Co. KG, the division of the swb group responsible for conventional electricity and heat generation. The swb group has 2,145 employees and achieved a turnover of 1,361.1 million euros in 2018. The gas is taken from the furnaces in the steel works next door operated by ArcelorMittal Bremen, part of the world’s largest steel group ArcelorMittal, headquartered in Luxembourg.

                                [1] Blast furnace gas emission factor standard value = 0.965 tonnes CO2/MWh (LUGV)

further information:

Virtual Model Approach (VMA) – SETCON Technology

As a pioneer in electro-mechanical differential technology (SETCON®) for industrial applications, we are constantly striving to further improve and optimize our systems. We focus on the design, the calculation and the analysis of our systems in order to guarantee excellent results on our test benches and afterwards in the field. We use the latest and most advanced analysis tools that go far beyond industrial standards.

A recent study at the MES2018 conference in cooperation with the company AVL List GmbH from Graz / Austria shows which innovative way SET goes in its calculations. Under the slogan “Virtual Model Approach” virtual and highly dynamic models of the entire drive train are mapped. All environmental influences (e.g. mains fluctuations) and their effects on the SETCON® system are taken into account. This allows better than ever to eliminate design weaknesses at a very early stage of development and later ensure reliable and long-lasting operation of the drive.

Here you find the link to the publication: Development of industrial continuously variable electro-mechanical drivetrain system based on virtual model approach

SETCON® technology – 5 strong reasons

Fluctuating electricity and oil prices, stricter Eco-design guidelines, and stricter environmental regulations mean that there is a growing need for high-efficiency variable speed drives. Already today, more than 50% of all compressor and pump systems over 3MW driven power are speed controlled. Inspired by this progress, SET has developed a new and innovative drive technology called SETCON®. The system is characterized by:

  1. Highest energy efficiency (up to 97%)
  2. Robust and reliable design through the use of industrial standard components (multiple sourcing) and minimum number of e-components
  3. Wide range of application from large turbomachines (pumps, compressors, fans, blowers and turbines) up to variable speed processes of mills, conveyor belts or wind turbines
  4. Lowest life-cycle costs due to optimized system technology and reduced service requirements
  5. Footprint optimization of the gear unit for retrofit/upgrade projects to maintain existing infrastructure such as base plate, main drive or cooling system and to improve efficiency and process control

BEKOnews: BEKO’s digitization know-how under testing conditions

The latest edition of BEKOnews from the company BEKO ( reports on the excellent cooperation with SET GmbH. Together, a high-performance test bench was developed and realized for an international customer.

The digitization experts at BEKO’s Hardware and Software Development Competence Center are already a SET partner since 2017. The BEKO team developed the measuring software for the transmission test bench, where the mechanical components of train and subway gearboxes undergo comprehensive quality testing during their development phase. The test bench can measure and record vibrations, temperatures, speeds and torques up to 100,000 samples per second for up to 200 channels ……

Link to article (only German version is availiable): BEKOnews: BEKO’s digitization know-how under testing conditions

SET Engineering

In addition to our innovative products for speed control in industrial and wind power application, SET offers its customers tailor-made engineering service. From mechanical and electriacal engineering to simulation and automation, SET offers a comprehensive portfolio of service. For the individual e-motor test lab and gearbox testbench development, we combine our interdisciplinary application know-how.

For our current Engineering Folder please click >here<

SETCON for New Drives and Retrofits

For constructing new drive systems, SETCON represents the best solution for high energy savings and low investment costs. Due to the reduced package seize, lower oil volume/oil cooling, minor heat generation/air conditioning and pipework, the investments will be minimized.

Furthermore, the Main Drive can be downsized by up to 20% of total power rating, influencing total project costs positively.

For Retrofits SETCON can be implemented into existing drive systems without repositioning main components in most cases. By replacing e.g. a hydro-dynamic Coupling, the Main Drive as well as the Driven Machine remain in an original state. Both the mechanical and electrical interfaces are ideally matched to replace existing drives.

SETCON has the potential to boost both efficiency and performance and to ensure a sustainable and reliabel operation.